"If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it."
Toni Morrison

Patricia Friedrich, PhD
Patricia Friedrich is a Professor at Arizona State University, where she teaches courses in composition, linguistics, peace, and culture and serves as Vice Provost for Academic Personnel. Her academic work includes Language, Negotiation and Peace: the use of English in Conflict Resolution (2007), Teaching Academic Writing (ed. 2009), Nonkilling Linguistics: Practical Applications (ed. 2012), The Literary and Linguistic Construction of OCD (2015), The Sociolinguistics of Digital Englishes (2016), English for Diplomatic Purposes (ed. 2016), and Applied Linguistics in the Real World, as well as over 35 book chapters and journal articles in such publications as Harvard Business Review, International Multilingual Research Journal, and World Englishes.
Patricia is also the author of the award-winning novel The Art of Always, A Love Made to Measure (an Amazon bestseller under the name Eliza Emmett) and All the Parts of Your Soul (2023, with Jen Jensen). She was a BookEnds Fellow at Stony Brook University in 2020-2021. Her fiction has appeared in Eclectic Flash, The Linnet's Wings, and Birkensnake, as well as in the anthology Flash in the Attic. She lives in Arizona.